man wearing glasses and blue shirt

What is a reverse mortgage?

A reverse mortgage is a loan available to seniors over the age of 62 which allows them to convert the equity in their home into cash. A reverse mortgage can also be used to purchase a home.

How can I use the money I receive from a reverse mortgage? 

There is no restriction on how the proceeds from a reverse mortgage can be used.

How can I qualify for a reverse mortgage?

To qualify for a reverse mortgage a borrower must be at least 62 years old, own a home, and have sufficient equity in that home.  A lender will also complete a financial assessment of the borrower.

Will my home qualify for a reverse mortgage?

Single-family homes, 2-4 unit properties (one unit occupied by owner), FHA-approved manufactured homes, HUD approved condominiums, and townhomes are eligible for a reverse mortgage.

How much money can I get from a reverse mortgage?

The amount will vary borrower to borrower and is based on a few factors including age of the youngest borrower, current interest rates, value of your home, and how much you may owe on an existing mortgage.

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